I was born in Bonn - Germany 1980. I am currently a third year Ph.D candidate in Information Engineering at the University of Brescia - Italy. My Ph.D research is related to Goal 7 among the Sustainable Development Goals. Particularly, we focus on enhancing the wireless communication infrastructure for Smart Grids by leveraging new techniques. Our work has been funded by the Regione Lombardia under Smart cities and communities grant no. 40545387. I have also participated on the National Communications Project at the National Electricity Corporation- Sudan, where we connected 76 substations and sales offices using fiber optics. Further, I have worked as a lecturer at several universities including University of Khartoum – Sudan. Further, I have participated on initiatives related to women empowerment, conferences and workshops. I have also completed two semesters in Master of Business Administration added to another Master in Communications and Information Systems in Sudan. I have been awarded a number of awards including the governmental grant for free university education, since, my order of merit was the 13th among 258,000 students all over Sudan. I have also been awarded DAAD scholarship.
Ph.D 3rd year, Information Engineering - Unversity of Brescia, Italy
Master of Business Administration (MBA), 2014, Sudan Academy for Sciences- Khartoum-Sudan. I have completed two semesters with an average of A.
Msc. Telecommunications and Information Systems, University of Khartoum , Sudan 2010
BSc Honours- Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Majoring in Communications Upper Second Class. University of Khartoum, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Sudan.
Piazza Del Mercato 15, 25121 Brescia Brescia, Italy