Prof. Ahmed Al Safi is an Anesthesiologist, Researcher, Medical Historian, Folklorist, Ethnographer & Editor. He has over 30 years of studies and research in Sudanese traditional medicine, history of medicine, health systems, and health heritage. The predecessors of this foundation are the Traditional Medicine Research Institute of the National Council for Research, which Professor Ahmad Al Safi founded in 1980, and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Traditional Medicine in Khartoum which he founded in 1983. Both Institutes are still functioning under Ministry of Science and Technology. Professor Safi launched a major ongoing project titled Sudan Health Trilogy in 2006 including: The Biographical Dictionary of Health Care Professionals in Sudan documenting the lives and work of the men and women who have served in healthcare institutions or contributed to health and medicine in service and research in the 20th century, Pioneers of Sudanese Medicine series documenting the lives and work of the men and women who have shaped health care services in Sudan. Nine biographies published in the last 4 years, a Bibliography of Biomedical Literature in Sudan (1900-2000). Six thousand entries reached. Other running activities include Sudan's Medicinal Atlas and Materia Medica (started 1982), Sudan Museum of Health and Medicine (proposed), Maharat for Medical Training Centre (started in 2009), SudaMed transferring Sudan’s health care information onto the cyberspace (started in 2012). His research interest Partners in Sudan include: Traditional Medicine Research Institute, Khartoum, Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs Research Institute, Khartoum, WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Traditional Medicine and Sudan National Academy of Sciences.
Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan