Belhadia has accumulated more than 7 years of experience in Quality Assurance and Accreditation for Higher Education. Very much aware of International Business Accreditation (Assurance of Learning) as well as Institutional Accreditation Standards Requirements (International and in GCC). He has a considerable experience working on standards set by Oman Authority of Academic Accreditation (OAAA) for Institutional as well as Program Accreditation. Also, He was involved in the preparation process of Higher Education Council (HEC) Institutional Accreditation, Institutional Listing, different National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs).
(2006-2009) Master of Banking and Finance, College of Economic Sciences,
SAAD Dahlab University.
Research Title: The Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth, Evidence from Algeria 1962-2008.
(2002- 2006) Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance, College of Economic Sciences,
Hassiba Ben Bouali
Project Title: Efficiency of the Financial Markets in the North Africa.
(2010) High Business School, Clermont Ferrand, lyon, France
Project Title: Training at high Business school about the preparatory schools for Business schools.
The trainer; Thierry ROBIN 4, Bd. Trudaine, Clerment-Ferrand, Tel 0473982400
Blida, Blida, Algeria