1Promise Chika Oparah, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Marketing and the currently the Faculty of Management Sciences Representative in Senate for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 sessions, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. He is a lecturer and Supervisor at both the undergraduate and the School of Postgraduate Studies. Dr. Promise Oparah started his academic career after an intermission in the private sector. He has published and/or presented scholarly papers in journals and conferences within and outside Nigeria, and have served as session chairman in International conference. He has successfully supervised a Master’s Degree research and has rendered invited services to National Open University of Nigeria, Paul University Awka, Hezekiah University, Imo State, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo, Imo State and National Institute of Marketing Nigeria etc.
Dr. Promise Oparah is an Editor: International Journal of Management Science and Entrepreneurship; Editorial Assistant of Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Innovation, University of Port Harcourt; has regularly reviewed referred journals such as: Asian Journal of Medical Principles and Clinical Practice, International Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, Journal of the Management Sciences etc. The following journals have published Dr. Promise Oparah: Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) (Scopus Indexed), World Journal of Entrepreneurship, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTRJ), International Journal of Advanced Finance and Accounting, International Journal of Research in Management, International Journal in Management, IT and Social Sciences, NG- Journal of Social Development, Journal of Business Management and Economics, International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research, Management and Sustainable Development, among others. His PhD Thesis received highly commended award in 2018 and was published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Beau Bassin 71504 ( Mauritius in European Union at the publisher’s expense and sold at morebooks shops in the European nations.
Dr. Promise Oparah is a recipient of HONOUR’s Award in recognition of his selfless and immense contribution to the development of the National Association of Marketing Students of Nigeria. His Current Research Interests cover the broad area of Entrepreneurial Social Marketing, Services and International marketing, with special bias for Social/developmental marketing and International marketing.
Awka, Nigeria